George's Square (George Street)
Looking down George Street in the 1920s
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Looking up George Street as it appeared in the twenties. The last of these properties on the right was demolished just before the 1939-1945 war (including the Halifax Guardian offices near the top right). Shops below the Courier offices were mostly destroyed by a runaway lorry.
When is a street not a square? Or, to put it another way, when is a Square not a Street?
There seems to be a perpetual confusion over whether the road and precinct in the centre of Halifax should be called George Street or George Square. Matters are not helped by the fact that on one side a nameplate pronounces George Square, while on the other side another - a newer one - states that the avenue is George Street. And the addresses of businesses are given either as Square or Street, not always according to which nameplate is at their side.
It is a confusing state of affairs that has a historical explanation, as this week's picture shows. At one time there definitely was both a George Street and a George Square, the latter below the former. The picture, from the 1920's, shows what was George Street, before the properties on the right were demolished, creating the broader thoroughfare we know today. The duel name given to the area is a legacy of it's older, built up days.
It looks as if demolition was already under way when this picture was taken, for there are exposed stones visible on the far right edge. Properties on the left are still recognisable, with the Griffin, now called Griff's(Bow legged with Brass), visible at the top, and the familiar outline of Bull Green glimpsed at the top of the street. Buses depart from George Street today, but in the 1920's, of course, there was a tram stop.
Evening Courier 'Flashback' article 1992
Looking down George Street. Horse and cart stood near to the Halifax Guardian offices.
Around 1870, the general Post Office stood opposite the Guardian printing offices in the building known as Somerset House , which is still there today. For the purpose of letter carrying there were just a dozen full time men in uniform. Mr. Hargreaves was the chief postman or 'letter carrier' and the post Master was Mr. Francis.
There were three deliveries per day and one on a Sunday. Apart from Mondays, when there were no London mails, postmen started at 5.45am and it was quite an effort to become a full blown postman. An application included filling out a form, a mathematics examination, prove himself capable of reading (often badly written addresses), pass a character test and read an oath of allegiance for the J.P. whose office was a couple of doors down the street.
He also had to pass a physical examination and have two or three vaccinations. If he survived he was officially clothed in the GPO garments.
The postmen of that day had 3 distinct areas to deliver to and had to walk at least 3 miles per hour, which included the time it took for people to come to the door and often ask all manner of questions about the post.
If they missed the delivery of a letter, they had a penalty of 7 days in gaol. They were not allowed to push a letter under the door (in case a dog got it)or hand it over in the street.
To compensate for the poor pay the postmen relied on tips and Christmas boxes. Christmas was the only time the job was worth anything.
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A 1903 sketch of the proposed layout
Halifax Tank Bank raises funds for the war
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