On This Website

Index of what to find on this website

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Halifax Villages

Each village has it's own page.

Each village also has their own historic photo page and an E-zine page

Featured Pages

Halifax Memories

A collection of random Halifax topics including stories and photos

Trend Of Things

Old Courier topics revisited with a modern update


Links - And a big 'Thank You' for permissions to use your material.

  • Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion an amazing dictionary of information on every Halifax subject
  • Stephen Gee's A picture of Halifax - You simply must buy his books containing huge collections of pictures and stories of historic Halifax
  • Pathways Productions - A collection of excellent local films with details of the Calderdale area
  • Chris Helme The best of Brighouse knowledge
  • Alan Burnett's News from Nowhere Blog
  • Andy Eccles - History research website about Rastrick in West Yorkshire (myrastrick.com)
  • Steaphen Heppener for many photographs in Elland and surrounding areas
  • Graham Jagger for many more photographs and information of Elland and surrounding areas
  • Dennis Farrell for his Illingworth photos and information

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