
Imagine walking through Halifax in the 1600s, where a peculiar wooden structure stood as a stark reminder of local justice. The Halifax Gibbet, a forerunner to the French guillotine, served as the law's final word across the Forest of Hardwick.

Territory and Jurisdiction: The Gibbet's authority stretched across eight townships:

  • Halifax
  • Sowerby
  • Rushworth
  • Midgley
  • Erringden
  • Langfield
  • Heptonstall
  • Wadsworth

Displayed in Barum Top, Wetherspoons in Halifax

One of the most documented cases was John Wilkinson's execution in 1650.

The prison where accused criminals were held was located in Halifax itself, making the town the center of local justice.

The Execution Process

The Gibbet was no ordinary gallows. It consisted of two tall wooden posts with a sharp blade that would drop when released. Unlike later guillotines, this blade was mounted in a wooden block and ran in grooves.

Historical Significance

The Halifax Gibbet Law was unique in England. While most areas required higher authorities to carry out executions, Halifax had the power to try, convict, and execute thieves caught within its jurisdiction.


A Dramatic Tale

From the Crown Street records, we have accounts of dramatic confrontations between accused thieves and local authorities. Picture the scene: crowds gathering, the Bailiff reading charges, and the accused facing their fate.

Surviving Today

While the original Gibbet is long gone, a replica stands in Halifax today, serving as a reminder of this unique chapter in local history. The Gibbet's blade and original stone base are preserved.

View a website including a list of people executed by the Gibbet - Read more

A website with details all about the Gibbet - Read More


The Tale of The Running Man

One of Halifax's most dramatic Gibbet stories comes from 1617, when a man named John Lacy earned a remarkable nickname - "The Running Man."

The story begins with Lacy's clever escape. Knowing the Gibbet Law only applied within the Forest of Hardwick's boundaries, he made a desperate dash for freedom. Successfully reaching beyond the forest's edge, he escaped his execution.

But fate had other plans...

Seven years later, in 1623, Lacy returned to Halifax. This proved to be a fatal mistake. He was captured and couldn't outrun justice a second time. The Halifax Parish Register records his execution on January 29th, 1623, with a dramatic Latin entry:

"John Lacy, perditissimus nebulo & latro, decollatus Jan 29, 1623" (Translation: "John Lacy, most depraved scoundrel & robber, beheaded Jan 29, 1623")

Historical Note: While most sources cite 1623 as the execution date, some documents mention 1625.


The Running Man pub in Pellon Lane, named after the events told above

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