As our ancient route descends into the heart of Halifax, the imposing tower of Halifax Parish Church – one of England's grandest parish churches – emerges as a landmark that guided travelers for centuries. This magnificent structure served as the mother church for an enormous parish spanning 120 square miles, overseeing twelve chapelries that dotted the surrounding townships.
The Magna Via's approach to the church wasn't merely a physical journey; it represented the transition from the outer reaches of the parish into its bustling center.
Mulcture Hall was close to the Parish Church. This was the home of the district manorial steward who was a representitive of the Priors of Lewes, Sussex, Lords of the Manor. They were the local authority in charge of monitoring corn charges for the flour mill by weighing the corn in a Mulcture dish - hence the name. They had a right to a part of the corn, a tax, as owners of the land.
Mulcture Hall which replaced a timber framed house
The area around the bottom of the church was known as Cripplegate, probably due to the fact that cripples and beggars frequented this area after the hall was turned into a lodging house when it was rebuilt in around 1850.
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