Horton-Street Wards-End 

Horton-Street Wards-End

For this page, we have built the walkthrough from Barum top down Fountain Street and Ward's End to the bottom of Horton Street and then included Blackledge between the Imperial Crown and the Square Theatre.


Although there was no historic evidence of a fountain at this point of town, the area of Wards End was once ta large open space. This was long before Prescott Fountain existed. A house in Wards End had ten or twelve troughs in the wall and would have been very suitable for a drinking fountain. Here was also a small reservoir which was supplied by an under ground stream all the way from Well Head which also supplied water to another small reservoir above the Old Cock Yard.

A stone square trough was then built near the centre of the open space and the road changed it's name from Doctor Lane to Fountain Street. This would also be the reason for the name of the 'Stone Trough Brewery'. This trough was replaced by an eight sided trough and eventually replaced again on September 12th 1884 by Prescott Fountain.


Fountain Street was once the starting point for all tram services travelling to King Cross

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Prescott Fountain >>>>>>>>>>>>>


Purpose-built wool warehouse erected in 1859 for Mr Thomas Greenwood. By 1887 the warehouse was occupied by Thomas Bracken & Son, brown paper manufacturers. In 1936, part of the premises were in use by W.H. Atkinson, wine and spirit merchants, part by the Irish Democratic Club, and the remainder by Raymond Garforth, shopkeeper. Today the ground floor is occupied by three retail units and the upper floors as office accommodation. Photo. April 2017. Info by IHO

Looking down Horton Street


Looking up Horton Street


End of Clare Road/ top of New Road


Prince Albert statue at Wards End with Southgate in the background. The statue now stands at the bottom of Heath Road, opposite the old Tram station on Huddersfield Road.


This row of buildings on Horton Street was constructed in c.1903, comprising a cafe, three shops with workroom, a bakery and stores, according to Halifax Corporation Building Plans index. The buildings are contemporary with Nos. 8 to 12 Horton Street which adjoin them to the west, and replaced earlier buildings as the area became less industrial and more commercial in character. 


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Whitley's confectioners and bakers


Summerville House on the right


Thomas Street


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