Southowram Mines and Quarries

Southowram Mines and Quarries


Marshalls at West Lane


Binns Quarry

Watsons Quarry


Ash Grove No.1 Southowram, Halifax 1896 1976 Closed 30/09/1976.

Ash Grove No.2 Southowram, Halifax 1929 1930 Discontinued July 1930

Ashday Southowram, Halifax 1922 1957 Abandoned on 17/02/1959.

Bank Bottom Southowram, Halifax 1863 1875

Bank Top Halifax 1854 1854

Beacon Northowram, Halifax 1888 1938 Discontinued 1938. Abandoned March 1941.

Beacon Hill Southowram, Halifax 1879 1887

Binns Bottom Southowram, Halifax 1854 1877

Birksroyd Southowram, Halifax 1899 1907 J. Farrar; Farrar & Sons

Bolton Southowram, Halifax 1915 1922 Not worked in 1923.

Breakneck Northowram, Halifax 1888 1910 Standing 1905 to 1910. Plan No.5601 – 36 Yard Band abandoned December 31st 1910.

Brownend Southowram, Halifax 1878 1880

Calder (b) Elland, Halifax 1901 1950 Abandoned in 1905 and again in 1921 and reopened in 1935 and abandoned on 07/09/1960.

Calder Lower Fireclay Mine Elland, Halifax 1875 1887

Calder No.2 Elland, Halifax 1937 1941 Abandoned September 1941. Calder No.2 Fireclay, Halifax Hard Bed, abandoned 04/09/1941, plan 13151.

Calder, Dayhole (a) Elland, Halifax 1905 1912 Abandoned

Calder, Fireclay Elland, Halifax 1888 1904 Plan No.4879 – Halifax Hard Bed abandoned December 1st 1905. Plan No. 5764 – Halifax Hard Bed abandoned October 31st 1911. Plan No.5765 – Halifax Hard Bed abandoned October 31st 1911. Plan No.7488 – Halifax Hard Bed abandoned December 31st 1914.

Charlestown Halifax 1873 1884 Sinking from 1873 to 1884.

Chevet Elland, Halifax 1872 1877 Sinking from 1872 to 1877.

Cinder Hill (a) Siddal, Halifax 1876 1883 Sinking from 1876 to 1878.

Cinder Hill (b) Siddal, Halifax 1878 1892 & Quarry. Plan No.4641 – Halifax Hard & Soft Beds abandoned May 1888. Includes ‘Quarry’ from 1913 to 1962. Includes Great Miers in 1915 and 1916.

Cinder Hills Pit Siddal, Halifax 1898 1961 Fireclay, 36 Yard Band, abandoned 12/07/1962, plan 15205.

Coronation Northowram, Halifax 1902 1931 Abandoned August 1931.

Dam Head Shibden, Halifax 1879 1892 Plan No.4640 – Halifax Hard & Soft Beds abandoned July 1888.

Elland Pipe Works Elland, Halifax 1904 1911

Ellen Royd Pepper Hill, Halifax 1878 1949 Includes Horley Green from 1915 to 1948

Exley Pit Exley, Halifax 1876 1879 Sinking from 1876 to 1879.

Folly Hall Halifax 1873 1876 Sinking from 1873 to 1876.

Four Lane End Shibden, Halifax 1870 1876 Plan No.624 – Halifax Hard Bed abandoned prior to March 7th 1877.

Four Lane End Shibden Dale, Halifax 1870 1876

Great Miers Halifax 1899 1935 Discontinued September 1935. Fireclay, Halifax Hard Bed, abandoned 15/10/1938, plan 12352.

Great Miers & Siddal Halifax 1908 1914

Hazelhirst Northowram, Halifax 1897 1900 S. Parkinson

High Field Southowram, Halifax 1855 1860

Highfield Southowram, Halifax 1861 1877 Plan No.740 – Halifax Hard & Soft Beds abandoned March 25th 1878.

Hollin Dyke Southowram, Halifax 1902 1903 Sykes & Co

Hollins Grove Halifax 1897 1899 E. Tetley

Horley Green Halifax 1892 1914 Standing 1904 to 1914. Included with Ellen Royd from 1915 to 1948.

Howcans Boothtown, Halifax 1878 1944 Plan No.4846 – 36 Yard Band abandoned July 1st 1905. Abandoned 1911. Worked with Holmfield from 1915 to 1925. Discontinued 1926. Not worked during 1931. Abandoned December 1933. Discontinued July 1944. Abandoned October 1947.

Landmere Northowram, Halifax 1909 1922 L. Naylor; W. & J. Glossop 1920 onwards. 14 years. This small mine is listed only from 1909 to 1922, and only worked in eight of those years. Not more than 13 men employed. No plans available.

Lands Head Northowram, Halifax 1866 Haley & Haley

Lands Head Northowram, Halifax 1911 1913 B. Ore. Sinking in 1911 and 1912

Lane Head Brighouse 1897 1902 L. Chadwick & Co.

Lane Head Brighouse 1911 1915 J. Brooke & Sons; Brookes Ltd 1913 onwards

Lane Head (c) Brighouse 1897 1899 J. Cliffe (See Garden Road)

Lane Head (j) Brighouse 1878 1915

Law Southowram, Halifax 1897 1898 J. Farrar & Sons

Lightcliffe (g) Southowram, Halifax 1920 1925 Standing from 1923 to 1925.

Listerwike, Low Pit Shibden, Halifax 1855 1865 Plan probably held by the Rail Authority Engineers Office at Derby

Lower Knight Royd Northowram, Halifax 1860 Jagger & Jagger

Lower Shibden Shibden, Halifax 1870 1887

Lower Shibden (a) Shibden, Halifax 1885 1892

Marsh Southowram, Halifax 1897 1898 Baines, Whiteley & Rushworth

Marsh Lane Southowram, Halifax 1902 1915 Stott & Gledhill; Stott & Sons 1906 onwards. 14 years. Listing begins 1902, mine abandoned in 1915; in this period it was worked in 11 years only. Up to 37 men employed. No plans available. Reopening 1910 to 1912. Abandoned 1915.

May Royd Northowram, Halifax 1893 1899

Mytholme Southowram, Halifax 1890 1905 Abandoned in 1905.

Mytholme, New Northowram, Halifax 1947 1956 +1960 & 1961

Mytholme, Old Northowram, Halifax 1886 1905 Plan No.4790 – 36 Yard Band abandoned April 7th 1905.

Nab End Boothtown, Halifax 1855 1860 On 1st edition O.S. 1/10560 sheet.

Needless Hall Lane Head, Brighouse 1897 1901 Cookson & Ellis; J. Cookson (1901)

New Bank (a) Halifax 1878 1884

New Bank (b) Halifax 1878 1884

New Farm Southowram, Halifax 1923 1927 S. Marshall & Sons. Not worked in 1923. Abandoned 1927.

New Road Northowram, Halifax 1897 1906 Saville Holmes

Norcliffe Southowram, Halifax 1924 1925

Norcliffe Lane Southowram, Halifax 1924 1926 A. Binns

Paddock Northowram, Halifax 1899 1900 D. Briggs & Co

Park Northowram, Halifax 1897 1904 J. Brooke & Sons

Park Nook Elland, Halifax 1962 1988

Pasture House Southowram, Halifax 1859 1860 Messrs Naylor, & others

Quarry House (a) Northowram, Halifax 1854 1860

Quarry House (b) Northowram, Halifax 1854 1883

Quarry House (c) Northowram, Halifax 1877 1903 Abandoned September 1881 and in 1902.

Southowram Southowram, Halifax 1898 1898 Baines, Whiteley & Rushworth

Southowram Southowram, Halifax 1854 1854

Springfield Shibden, Halifax 1944 1987 Mainly a Fireclay mine. Formerly (1947-1949) called Springfield Farm

Springfield Farm Shibden, Halifax 1938 1945 Mainly a Fireclay mine.

Stoney Brow Siddal, Halifax 1914 1915

Sunny Bank Southowram, Halifax 1877 1914 Abandoned May 1st 1889. Discontinued in 1909 and 1910. Abandoned 30/09/1914. Abandoned 19/05/1915.

Sunny Vale Southowram, Halifax 1898 1962 Plan No.8531 – 80 Yard Band abandoned January 1st 1922.

Swalesmoor Northowram, Halifax 1845 Sunk 1845

Swan Bank Siddal, Halifax 1854 1860

Swan Bank (a) Siddal, Halifax 1854 1874

Twinge Lane Southowram, Halifax 1912 1913 Marshall Bros

Twinge Lane Southowram, Halifax 1926 1932 Bottomley & Gledhill

Walter Clough Shibden, Halifax 1873 1878 Sinking in 1873 to 1878.

Walterclough Shibden, Halifax 1905 1980

Watson Southowram, Halifax 1926 1928 Abandoned 1928.

Well Royd Southowram, Halifax 1896 1899

West Lane Southowram, Halifax 1897 1918 S. Marshall & Son; Marshall & Greenwood 1899-1901; Marshall & Sons 1901 onwards

West Lane Southowram, Halifax 1899 1909 J. Farrar; Farrar & Sons

West Lane Southowram, Halifax 1899 1902 Hartley & Kaye

West Lane Southowram, Halifax 1900 1900 L. Clegg & Co

West Lane Southowram, Halifax 1897 1916 Sunk 1896.

Westcroft Lane Northowram, Halifax 1898 1905

Whitegate Siddal, Halifax 1898 1899

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