Stephen lake

by Stephen lake

We lived in bracewell hill.I remember being sent to church on sunday morning with my brother chris. Instead we went to ovenden station,(opposit the grove) where we saw a steam train. This must have been about 1959.

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Jul 12, 2023
hello stephen rivers lived next door to you at bracwel
by: Anonymous

hello stephen rivers we lived next door to you
at bracewell hill

Jun 21, 2022
Ovenden Station
by: Dave O'Connell

We used to live on the Grove in the 1950s and were often out and about, usually a gang of kids. If we were in the vicinity and there was a train coming we would rush to the bridge by Ovenden station and peer over the parapet and get our faces blackened in the steam – and sometimes burnt by hot cinders! This would often precede an afternoon's walk up the nearby hills. Ah, the freedom. I see that there are a lot of photos of the old station on ‘Images of Ovenden’ on the net.

Apr 19, 2021
Bus Driver
by: Janet Peters

Did you drive the bus in Halifax town in 1976/77

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